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Software Development Trends To Watch Out In 2021

· software development,web development,DevOps,Agile Development

“The world of software development is set for some big changes in 2020”, as predicted by Forrester research director. No one ever imagined that the year comes up with a myriad of opportunities in the software development industry. The cutting-edge technologies evolving today drive innovation and encourage developers to leverage their skills to build an incredible digital product.

Almost every software development sector is remote now. Today, an agile and DevOps culture assists remote developers to focus on speed and agility making software development excel.

Software development brings your business to new heights of success with improved sales and inevitable client experience. Software developers are considered an asset now for companies to help businesses innovate, evolve, and grow.

Have a look at some software development trends that leverage software developers’ capabilities and led to the evolution of smarter and cost-effective technologies.

Usage Of Low Code Platforms Change The Way Developers Work

Low-code development is in trend now and here to simplify complex programming languages. Many enterprises make the most of low-code platforms to develop and deploy new applications fast.

Low-code platforms have the potential to revolutionize the software market, eliminate unnecessary manual work. It facilitates you with unique and user-centric interfaces to help people build new applications at a low cost.

The coming years will see new hybrid teams merges with business professionals and skilled developers for building the most innovative apps together using low-code tools built on cloud-native platforms.

Artificial Intelligence Will Leverage Development Automation


As predicted, more than one-third of developers will use machine learning in 2021 to automate development tasks. Software development teams will use machine learning models to make test automation smarter. Also, natural language processing will be used to review test cases and eliminate duplicates, as well as identify gaps in test coverage.

Will AI help solve business problems and increase the amount of software delivered or reduced demand for enterprise developers?

Augmenting Enterprise Solutions Using Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology has extensive applications for enterprise systems. Among them, Bitcoin and Ether have shown a remarkable presence in the last few years.

Blockchain is a peer-to-peer (P2P) network offering decentralization, a distributed ledger, security features, and transparency.

Today, businesses and governments are exploring blockchain technology. The digital world is growing rapidly with these cutting-edge technologies.

A Cision PR News wire report estimates that the market for blockchain technology will reach $57.641 billion in 2025, accompanied by an impressive 69.4% CAGR between 2019 and 2025.

Digital Collaboration Increases With Remote Working

Today, software companies of all sizes are exploring the “remote work” style and are setting up 100% remote teams.

Remote development is getting popular among enterprises providing the flexibility of work to the remote workers and launching software products faster.

The evolution of remote teams today considered highly productive for businesses while working in an agile remote environment.

Developers will make the best use of remote collaboration tools and value stream management tools to streamline the remote product development process.

Digitalization Encourage Developers To Master New Skills

The rise of new cloud-based platforms led companies to onboard their existing applications on them. The developers should leverage their skills and come up with the most efficient and reliable cloud strategy to perform cloud migrations.

Developers today take full advantage of Kubernetes based container platforms to master new tools, architecture patterns, and technologies in order to deliver the application.

Outsourcing Software Development is a new trend

As the digital space widens, businesses today are striving to make the best use of the software capabilities they have.

Businesses have now understood the importance of focusing on core tasks and at the same time offloading the parallel tasks to outsourcing partners. This will drive the trend of IT outsourcing.

According to a MarketWatch report, large businesses have increased the % of their IT budget spent on outsourcing from 6.3% in 2018 to 8.7% in 2019. Medium-sized businesses have increased this component too, from 4.7% to 6.5%.

Enterprises need to outsource the software development process and laid more focus on core tasks. In the present scenario, apart from cost, delivering quality and reliable products is all matters.

Mixed Reality (Augmented and Virtual) showing high potential in enterprise solutions

Mixed Reality is a mix of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) that has significant potential in enterprise applications. The AR technology integrates digital content with the user environment, whereas VR builds an inevitable experience for users.

According to the IndustryARC market research report, projects that this market will grow from $1.054 billion in 2017 to $9.982 billion in 2024, and it will see a CAGR of 73.2% during the 2018-2023 period.

AR and VR let businesses use the technology to their prospective customers and try their products virtually. MR is the upcoming future in the digital era.

Closing Thoughts


Software development trends change every year and this will continue to happen in the years that follow. The rise of robust programming languages and frameworks provide myriad opportunities for software developers to develop an outstanding digital product.

As the key trends in the software development industry widen, businesses will execute product development in the most efficient manner.

With the evolution of cutting-edge technologies, the software development industry has given rise to fierce competition.

Author Bio:

Kanika Gupta, a professional tech writer works as a content writer in Classic Informatics, a leading web development company. She loves to write master tech pieces and let readers connect with it fluently.